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to PAUSE -- the game board freezes until you press

again. Press when it's time to QUIT. Press to SPEED UP the game. Press to SLOW DOWN the game. ^1THE INSCRUTABLE PACHINCO GAME BOARD^0 The board contains cups of many colors -- each with a different meaning: PURPLE - The cup with a hole in the bottom. You get your ball back, but you get no extra points. WHITE - The unforgiving cup. It ALWAYS keeps your ball and you ALWAYS lose a point. GREEN - The lucky cup. You get your ball back AND you get an extra point, but beware of COLOR BUMPERS! RED - The unlucky cup. You lose a ball and a point, but watch for COLOR BUMPERS! ^1WHAT ARE COLOR BUMPERS ????? On several screens, small red and green spots appear near the pinwheels. These are the ^1COLOR BUMPERS^0! If a ball hits a color bumper, then the red and green cups may change color. A LUCKY cup may become UNLUCKY and vice-versa! There are three different kinds of color bumpers: Solid Green - GOOD - red cups turn green, green cups stay green Solid Red - BAD - green cups turn red, red cups stay red Red and Green - UGLY - red and green cups switch color ^COutside BBD To run this program outside ^1Big Blue Disk^0, type: ^1PACHINCO^0. DISK FILES THIS PROGRAM USES: ^FPACHINCO.EXE ^FBALL.BK1 ^FBALL.BK2 ^FBALL.IMG